How To Make A Party Smartie Cheese Ball
by Danielle Cain | |
How to make a party Smartie Cheese Ball like a boss!
STEP 1: Crush one box of smarties in a ziplock bag
STEP 2: Place 2 tubs of medium fat cream cheese in a bowl
Step 3: Place 1 cup of icing sugar in a bowl
Step 4: Smooth Peanut Butter
Step 5: Add 1 teaspoon of vanilla essence
Steps 6: Mix Mix Mix until you get a lovely smooth batter
Step 7: Add some more Smarties to the bowel and Mix Mix Mix
Step 9: Place the smartie mix onto some cling wrap
Step 10: Roll into a ball
Step 11: Refrigerate for 1 hour
Step 12: Decorate you smartie party cheesecake ball with some more smarties
Step 13: Place on you part bowl and Bon Appetit