How Do You Dip Your Ouma Rusks ? | The Cape Grocer

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How Do You Dip Your Ouma Rusks ?

Reginite your love for your Ouma Rusk and learn how you dip your ouma rusks in 6 easy ways :) 


1. The Lazy Ouma Rusk Dip 


2. The Double Ouma Rusk Dip


3. The Danger Ouma Rusk Dip


4. The Skinny Ouma Rusk Dip


5. The Beat Ouma Rusk Dip


6. The Early Ouma Rusk Dip


Explore our range Of Ouma Rusks and dip your Ouma too :) 



The Dip Your Ouma campaign was run by Tomfoolery TV to bring back the love of Ouma Rusks:) 



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