Chapter 3 - How To Make Biltong | The Cape Grocer

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Chapter 3 - How To Make Biltong

I'm really excited about this post because I've always wanted to make biltong while I was in South Africa. 



The recipe below is really simple and just about anyone can make it. I've included the steps below and the recipe details.


Hope you enjoy making the biltong as much as I did. 



Step 1. Pour and mix the vinegar and the Worcestershire in bowel

How To Make Biltong - Mic Brown Vinegar and Worschester Sauce

Step 2. Mix the spices together

How To Make Biltong - Mix The Biltong Spices

 Step 3. Pour the brine over the meat

How To Make Biltong - Add the biltong sauce

Step 4. Roll the meat so it mixes well with the brine

How To Make Biltong - Marinade The Meat

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Step 5. Add and rub the mixed spices into the meat and reserve a handful of spices for later

How To Make Biltong - Add Biltong Spice

Step 6:  Let the meat rest in the spice for at least 4 hours or up to 2 days in the fridge

How To Make Biltong . - Place Meat In Fridge

Step 7. Remove the meat from the fridge and add some more spices :)

How To Make Biltong - Add Last Set Of Spices 

Step 8: Place the meat in food hydrator and leave for 4 days

How To Make Biltong  - Place In Food Hydrator

Step 9: Enjoy your homemade biltong with family and friends

How To Make Biltong . - Enjoy Your Biltong

Tools in the video

The Melleware food hydrator is used in the above vidoe, you can check it out here  Food Hydrytor



1.2 KG of good quality meat - Silverside or Top Sided Beef


  • 60 ml brown vinegar
  • 45 ml Worcestershire sauce


  • 125 ml Coriander seeds, toasted and coarse
  • 45 ml semi coarse sea salt
  • 45 ml brown sugar
  • 60 ml BBQ spice
  • 5 ml ground black pepper

 Explore our biltong range of products and make your very own biltong or just buy a packet or two:)


Here is the link to the recipe and more expert tips. How To Make Biltong 


Chapter 4 - Whаt cuts of meat do you nееd for mаkіng biltong?



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